Trickster Escape room
You wake up and realize that your cat Tony is acting strange. He meows so loud that you think he is asking you to follow him. What if he is indeed?
He runs towards the kitchen´s back door and escapes through the little door. With no hesitation you try to open the door but it's locked. You look around trying to find the key but all you can see, weirdly placed on top of the counter, is a blue shoe, a pair of yellow glasses and a mirror.
Intrigued, you go back to the door and that's when you realize that the door knob looks different than last night. The key hole has an unusual shape so you stare and try to identify what object would open it.
You pick up each object to examine it more closely. Which one would fit the hole?
Objective: Unlock the door (Needs a word)
DICA 1Bem-me-quer, mal-me-quer…
DICA 2Não se esqueça! Você pode sempre contar com a ajuda das pétalas e folhas.
DICA 3Na sua forma horizontal você pode ver o infinito.
SOLUÇÃOSome o número de pétalas (6) e folhas (2) para iluminar a árvore. 6+2 = 8